Thursday, February 26, 2009

We're behind, but Alamo Today steps up


I've been distracted by a lot of things in my other life, but I'm pleased to note, and happy to praise Alamo Today for stepping up, and covering the election well beyond their traditional innocuous format.

In the March edition, the cover story is an observation about many of the changes that have happened in Alamo, many in recent memory. Some are for the good, and some remain controversial; the point being that things do not "stay the same", they change regardless. Thus the question is who controls and influences the changes that will occur. This is a shrewd article, being objective and identifying issues. This is well beyond Alamo Today's usual depth.

Inside is an even bigger surprise, a multi-page editorial that dissects and dismembers most of the arguments against incorporation, coming out strongly in favor. I can't adequately convey how out-of-character it is for a "shopper" newspaper to take a firm stand that potentially alienates a big fraction of the readership. I'm also impressed by the level of analysis and argument, and hope that this level of coverage will continue no matter what the result of the election may be. Having a real voice in the local media is a big step up.

Inside, Alamo Today has a bunch of candidate statements that are worth a read. I won't rehash them here.

Also, council candidate Kevin Morrow wrote here after we noted his lack of web presence to clarify his position. Like his father, also-candidate John Morrow, he's opposed, but wants those opposed to have a voice on a council if one is formed. Like his dad, we appreciate the clear position, even if we don't agree with their views on the incorporation. Having non-fans on the council might be a good idea, as long as they are willing to help make the town work rather than sabotage it. The Morrows seem like they want strong budget control and little change. That might match what the people want, and those folks would have a lot more influence in a town with the Morrows on the council than they do with Mary N. Piepho as our fractional representative on the county Board of Supervisors.

We're not going to endorse any candidates, though we know and like Karl Niyati personally. Read the materials we've linked yourself, make up your own minds, and GO VOTE on Tuesday.

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